The specified recurrence rule, booking times and spaces are not viable to book due to timezone issues. This is likely due to the recurrence rule passing through a timezone change (such as daylight savings) or the local time for one of the spaces occurs on a different day to that of the primary space. Please either shorten the recurrence rule to prevent passing through a timezone change, or remove the offending space that has a different start/end day.
The specified recurrence rule is invalid. The booking start/end dates do not match with the first occurrence in the recurrence rules. Please change the booking dates or the recurrence rule so that they match.
Attendees, name and description will not show publicly
* Any bold dates are modified occurrences
* Any bold dates are modified occurrences
No repeat occurrences
Space equipment
This space has the following equipment:
Request equipment from facilities
This booking had the following equipment request sent:
If you wish to amend this, please contact the equipment manager at:
If you require additional equipment, please make an equipment request to the onsite equipment manager below.
Requested quantity
NOTE: Once this booking is completed, you will be emailed a copy of this request, along with the list of dates the equipment is required.
Please check these details are correct and await an email response from the equipment manager.
This location does not have any onsite equipment to book, please use alternate means if extra equipment is required for this meeting
This space had the following equipment request sent:
No additional equipment has been requested for this space
Request catering from facilities
This booking had the following catering request sent:
If you wish to amend this, please contact the caterers at:
This space has restricted user access, please contact one of the following users and request them to book the space for you.
Availability notification setup
It appears you didn't get exactly the booking you wanted. This process will email you when a space becomes available using your current search filter settings. If you wish to change your search filters, please close this window and alter the search criteria.
Setup an email notification process to inform you when a space becomes available (sooner)?